Court Documents
The Tribal Supreme Court Project collects court documents for selected Indian law cases pending before the U.S. Supreme Court. This page lists the cases before the Court during the October 2005 term. The links below will take you to each case's docket sheet, briefs, and, for select cases, the lower court materials.
October 2005 Term
Cert Granted
- Gonzales v. UDV (O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal) (04-1084)
- Lingle v. Arakaki (05-988)*
*Granted, vacated and remanded. See GVR Order - Wagnon (formerly Richards) v. PBP (Prairie Band Potawatomi) Nation (04-631)
- Wagnon v. PBP (Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation) Nation (04-1740)
Cert Denied
- Arrietta v. U.S. (05-10770)
- Cayuga Indian Nation of New York v. Pataki (05-982)
- Chayoon v. Sherlock (05-10180)
- Cowan v. Tohono O'odham Nation (05-1273)
- Delaware Tribe of Indians v. Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma (04-1368)
- Doe v. Mann (05-815)
- Lummi Nation, et al., v. Samish Indian Tribe (05-445)
- Mattaponi v. Virginia (05-1141)
- Peabody Coal v. EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) (05-353)
- Salinas v. Lamere (05-1189)
- Skokomish v. United States, et al. (05-434)
- Smith v. Salish Kootenai (05-10357)
- Wyoming Sawmills, Inc. v. US Forest Service, et al. (04-1175)